Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wave 3 Toys De-Boxed!

It's taken me all week, but I've finally de-boxed the Wave 3 ponies and gave all their manes a good cleaning! Be sure to stick around after the break when I give my thoughts on the new ponies. Before that though... I apologize for not having a proper photo box or stage. I've been too lazy to make the photo box for some reason.

Dewdrop Dazzle was a pony that really grew on me. At first I thought her color scheme was way too much. An aqua coat with yellow eye shadow and a mix of pink and blonde for the mane? It seemed off putting, but seeing her in person really helps. She looks much better than any photo will lead you to believe.

Cupcake's colors are pretty basic for most ponies, but she's one of the few to have three colors in her mane. What these photos don't tell you is Cupcake's butt stamp (cutie mark) has a bit of a shimmer to it, much like Princess Celestia's. Just don't ask me why I gave Cupcake a drill curl.

Lulu Luck has to be my least favorite of the bunch. It's got nothing to do with the pink, but rather it's the green that I can't get past. As Rarity would say, such an awful awful color! On this pony, it really shows. I think this pony was a last minute addition to the third wave.

And now we come to Blossomforth, the one I was looking forward to the most, and still my favorite of the bunch. She looks like a pony I would find in the background of Friendship is Magic. The color scheme reminds me of a candy cane.

The funny thing about all these ponies? The recolors on the packaging don't match the head molds. Dewdrop Dazzle's head is actually Rarity's, Cupcake's is Pinkie Pie, Lulu Luck's is Twilight's, and Blossomforth's is Fluttershy. Funny how that works, wouldn't you say?

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