Sunday, July 24, 2011

That Wicked Enchantress Zecora

That Wicked Enchantress Zecora by *ShelltoonTV on deviantART

Oooh, she's so evil, I even made another vector of her! This vector, in comparison to my previous, not only works better as a T-shirt graphic, but these are what I believe to be her official colors. I used a flash game from a Finnish website to grab ever color, except for her eyes and eye highlights. That I'm still guessing at.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Eeeyup by *ShelltoonTV on deviantART
Oh yes, Big Macintosh is BIG alright!

This was vectored from one of those coloring pages that Hasbro put out recently. I believe these to be his official colors as they were taken from a screenshot present in the story gallery for Applebuck Season. This would definitely serve as a great color guide, or a Team Fortress 2 spray, or a T-shirt graphic, or what have you.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

THE One and Only!

THE One and Only by *ShelltoonTV on deviantART
I bet you couldn't tell Rainbow Dash is still my absolute favorite pony! I should just make a 12 icon set of Dash while I'm at it.

I originally made this for a Team Fortress 2 spray, and the more I think about it, the more potential it has for pony related merchandise. It just needs some text like "20% cooler than you"

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Darling by *ShelltoonTV on deviantART

Keep on shining Rarity! Did this one for fun, because for some reason I've been putting off the next set of icons for whatever reason. Don't ask me why I'm not making icons when I should be, because I'll be getting back to it fairly soon.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wave 3 Toys De-Boxed!

It's taken me all week, but I've finally de-boxed the Wave 3 ponies and gave all their manes a good cleaning! Be sure to stick around after the break when I give my thoughts on the new ponies. Before that though... I apologize for not having a proper photo box or stage. I've been too lazy to make the photo box for some reason.

Dewdrop Dazzle was a pony that really grew on me. At first I thought her color scheme was way too much. An aqua coat with yellow eye shadow and a mix of pink and blonde for the mane? It seemed off putting, but seeing her in person really helps. She looks much better than any photo will lead you to believe.

Cupcake's colors are pretty basic for most ponies, but she's one of the few to have three colors in her mane. What these photos don't tell you is Cupcake's butt stamp (cutie mark) has a bit of a shimmer to it, much like Princess Celestia's. Just don't ask me why I gave Cupcake a drill curl.

Lulu Luck has to be my least favorite of the bunch. It's got nothing to do with the pink, but rather it's the green that I can't get past. As Rarity would say, such an awful awful color! On this pony, it really shows. I think this pony was a last minute addition to the third wave.

And now we come to Blossomforth, the one I was looking forward to the most, and still my favorite of the bunch. She looks like a pony I would find in the background of Friendship is Magic. The color scheme reminds me of a candy cane.

The funny thing about all these ponies? The recolors on the packaging don't match the head molds. Dewdrop Dazzle's head is actually Rarity's, Cupcake's is Pinkie Pie, Lulu Luck's is Twilight's, and Blossomforth's is Fluttershy. Funny how that works, wouldn't you say?

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Teacher Pony

The Teacher Pony by *ShelltoonTV on deviantART

Everypony's favorite school teacher pony, and possibly Rarity's classmate! You can probably tell I used my 80's Cheerilee vector as the color guide. At this point, I'm not even sure if those colors are 100% accurate! Oh well, I worked with what I had.

Friday, May 13, 2011


This box showed up at my front door today! I wonder what's inside?

Ponies at the Gala!

This set took me a bit of time, but it's out of the way! These shots went by rather quick, but the backgrounds screamed "WALLPAPER MATERIAL" to me. It was a lot of fun to make this set and I'm glad with how each one turned out. More wallpapers after the break.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Rarity at the Gala

(Click to download at 1920x1080)
Rarity never did get her fairytale ending like she had hoped for in The Ticket Master. Oh well, she's better off without the prince of con-artistry. Spike is a better choice for Rarity... did I really say that just now?


Welcome to My Little Desktop! Where customization is magic. Please excuse the mess as I'm in the process of trying to get this thing up and running. Part of the reason I've started this blog is because if you've seen my Deviant Art page, you may have noticed I was warned by a hard working artist who's upset with the fact that I'm getting front paged for essentially vectoring screenshots to wallpaper size and vectoring ponies out of screenshots. I've openly admitted this several times to most of the people thinking it's my original art, but this struggling anime artist must not have gotten the memo and blindly posted the DA policy saying my stuff is illegal. You may notice I'm taking jabs at the guy, but I am taking it seriously since he's threatening raids. (harassment by gathering his watchers and other artists) I wasn't aware of how much harm I was doing with vectors from 720p screenshots, especially ones I'm not making any money off of!

So yeah, this is the emergency backup in case he goes through with his assault on my non-profit vectors. I will be using this not just for pony vectors, but pony toy stuff, episode reviews, and other assorted musings in my life, like thoughts on a movie I had just seen. I hope you look forward to it!